Coat Check Tickets

Are you in need of coat check tickets for personal or professional events such as weddings, birthdays, work parties, concerts, or water parks in Canada? PrintPrint’s coat check tickets are popular among our customers, offering enhanced organization and control over guests’ items. You will have peace of mind, and your guests can enjoy the event knowing that retrieving their coats will be a breeze.

Whether you’re hosting a corporate, social, or non-profit event, coat check tickets are an excellent tool to manage your guests’ personal items. Keep track of any coats or jackets, and let your guests enjoy the event knowing their belongings are safe.

Our coat check tickets are made from high-quality, medium-weight ticket stock and are printed using 300 DPI thermal printing. They come with full image/logo integration and custom numbering for added security and are available in 4 colours. Fully customizable, you can submit your own designs or let our expert designers help you create something unique.

  • 300 DPI thermal printing
  • Made in Canada
  • Custom Numbering
  • Fully customizable
  • Security features
  • Starting Price: $24.95
  • Length: 3″ (7.62cm)
  • Width: 2″ (5.08cm)